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Annual Village Meetings

There is an Annual Village Meeting every year and it's usually held in April.

There is an Annual Village Meeting every year and it’s usually held in April.  It’s not a Parish Council meeting at all – it’s for everyone in the village to come and hear what’s happening with all the village organisations.  It’s also for everyone to make their views known and raise any issues or problems and, importantly, any ideas for the future.  There is usually representation from our Borough Councillor and County Councillor and they explain what’s happening at their level.  We used to get a Police representative come to give us their latest information but, sadly, we have not seen anyone for some years.  Their is a glimmer (but only that) that that might change going forward – we shall see.

The Parish Council funds the meeting costs and also provides free refreshments in the form of wine or juice and nibbles.  We usually get a good number of people attending and it’s always worthwhile to come and join in.

There are minutes available from previous meetings going back a number of years and they can be found under the Parish Council minutes section (I know I did say they were not Parish Council minutes and that is true it’s just that is where they are kept!).  Minutes from years further back will be put on this site as time permits (currently as far back as 1990).

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