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Village Archives

Information about the Village Archives

Finally all the many thousands of village archive documents and pictures have been digitised by volunteers.  It now means that they are ‘safe’ for future generations in the event of loss or fire or some other catastrophe.  The Parish Council has purchased a Network Attached Storage Device (NASD) where all these precious files/pictures will be stored and it will be connected to the internet so that anyone from anywhere in the world will be able to view them.

Update November 2022

That final stage is now close approaching as the process of collating and cataloguing the digitised archives is now complete also.  Therefore all that remains is to ‘attach’ the NASD (above) to the website so that everyone around the world can see all the archives and the many years of hard work by so many people.

We are working to get the below link up and running to all the archives – bear with us.

Archives Updated April 23

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