Services and Information
Village Greens
Information about Village Greens in Cowlinge
There are 5 registered Village Greens in Cowlinge:
The Three Tuns Green (pictured above) close by what used to be The Three Tuns pub but is now called The Threeways. This is registered to the Lord of the Manor.
Lambfair Green at the junction of Mill Lane and Trotting Horse Lane. This is registered to the Lord of the Manor.
Pound Green next to the river opposite Pound Cottage and Rosebank. This is registered to the Parish Council.
Pound House Green at the junction of Newmarket Road and New England Lane. This is registered to the Parish Council.
Seven Elms Green at the junction of Queen Street with Newmarket Road. This is registered to the Lord of the Manor.
The Parish Council arranges for the upkeep of all these Greens with the exception of Lambfair Green that has now been enclosed.